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Company formation without business address? Not possible unfortunately. Thanks to Xpress Mailbox, you can receive physical mails and access your company documents anytime from the Startxpress dashboard. In this way, you will view and manage your mail online for your US or UK company, wherever you are.
Select from one of our numerous addresses, ranging from Delaware to London, to open a bank account, interact with local clients, and win over investors and partners.
With Xpress Mailbox, you can receive mail from any carrier. Provide your company with all the resources it needs to succeed.
All the information you share with Startxpress is protected with the best encryption softwares.
How it works
Sign up
Choose where to start your company (the USA or the UK) and enter some details about your company and choose your physical business address.
Set up
Once your company is established, access your unique business address and essential documents effortlessly.
Remotely, forward, shred, or trash your mail. Anything you can do with an email, you can do with paper mail. Get Xpress Mailbox butonu yine
Frequently Asked Questions
Xpress mailbox is an included in our company formation packages, you don’t need to pay extra fee.
Sign up in the app and fill out some details about your company, then we will take care the rest of the process. Later you will be able to reach all the features you need.
Absolutely. The benefit of having a trusted, physical business address is that you can manage all your mailing needs from anywhere in the world.
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